Monday, January 23, 2012

Best Snickerdoodles of All Time

I would like to eat all of these. Now. 
In the Fierce household, scattered as it is these days across continents and time zones, there are a few minor differences in palates.  The eldest Fierce Child, he will eat whatever it is as long as he didn't have to make it himself.  You can see C Fierce's preferences for yourself.  It's probably no surprise that I used to claim onion allergies to avoid picking them out of everything put in front of me (now I just try to cook for myself). The one thing we can all agree on, with the exception of The Youngest Fierce, is dessert. As long as it's there, we're happy.

Sometimes though, the rest of us aren't convinced The Youngest Fierce is one of us. He has this thing.... it's not something I can relate to, and I probably wouldn't believe it were possible if I hadn't grown up with him: He doesn't like sweets.